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China Zhongwang Holdings Limited

Company Profile
China Zhongwang is principally engaged in the production of high precision, large-section and high value-added industrial aluminium extrusion products which are widely used in transportation, machinery equipment and electric power engineering sectors. Its product applications enco***ss railway passenger co***rtments and cargo carriages, metropolitan subway and light rail, automobiles, heavy trucks, vessels, aviation, aero***ce and many others. It has been accredited by the Ministry of Railway as a designat...
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Contact Us
Company: China Zhongwang Holdings Limited
Contact: Mr. Henry Lee
Address: No. 299, Wensheng Road
Postcode: 111003
Tel: 86 419 4155592
Fax: 86 419 4155591


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Tel : 86 419 4155592 Fax : 86 419 4155591
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